Variation Across Contexts

Learning Outcome #3: Students will be able to identify, analyze, and reflect on variation in rhetorical and linguistic patterns, including their own, from a range of contexts (e.g cultural, digital, workplace, and/or academic). 

Artifact 1: Pre-Writing on Seventh Night Poems

The first artifact so to say, was my pre-writing on the Seventh Night Poems. I analyzed each line, word for word of these poems. To further my knowledge, I studied the Japanese culture and their traditions. A big one being that they celebrated Tanabata, also known as the Star Festival. It is a holiday that has been going on forever in which they tell the legends of these star-crossed lovers who are separated by the Milky Way (river) and are only to allowed to meet but once a year on the seventh night of the seventh lunar month. This is the start of where I began to have a better understanding in analyzing linguistic patterns of various cultures, in this case, Japanese usage of literature.

Analysis of Seventh Night Poems